@felix Ce site recense tous les projets et compagnies financés par l'UE en matière de sécurité :
On peut y chercher des compagnies / projets ou y obtenir des listes. Open data.
Open Security Data Europe is a public platform aimed at tracking and displaying how the European Union spends money on security-related projects, including on topics related to policing, border control, counter-terrorism and cybersecurity. The platform is a tool for journalists, researchers, civil society organizations and others to better understand the growing investments of the European Union in security.
The platform contains data on three different EU budgets: the Internal Security Fund (2014-20), which provided funding to implement EU policing and border policies, as well as projects by EU member states; the security component of Horizon 2020 (2014-20), the EU’s research and innovation program; and the predecessor to Horizon 2020, the Seventh Framework Program for Research and Development (FP7, 2007-13).
This money has been used to develop controversial technologies such as drones, biometrics, and automated behavioural analysis, as well as the development of pan-European police networks and border surveillance systems. Some companies and organisations have received tens of millions of euros through these funding schemes.
Our data is all public: either taken from the websites of EU or national institutions or received via freedom of information requests. You can read more about the data sources here.
Open Security Data Europe was created by Caitlin L. Chandler, Chris Jones and Zach Campbell. The data platform was built and is maintained by Simon Wörpel. Support for this project comes from the Investigative Journalism for Europe (IJ4EU) Fund.