Programmes de recherche Safe City au niveau européen
En Europe, les programmes de recherche de l'Union européenne sont une des modalités clés du financement de la R&D en technologies de surveillance. Un nouvel appel à projet est en cours sur ces thématiques, qui permet de voir les priorités industrielles en la matière et les acteurs privés positionnées sur ces sujets :
In the cities, public spaces such as malls, open crowded gathering areas and events, and non-restricted areas of transport infrastructures, constitute “soft targets”, that is potential, numerous targets spread across the urban area and subject to “low cost” attacks strongly impacting the citizens. The generation, processing and sharing of large quantities of data in smart cities make urban systems and services potentially more responsive, and able to act upon real-time data. On the one hand, smart cities provide for improving the security of open and crowded areas against threats (including terrorist threats) and risks, by leveraging wide networks of detection and prevention capabilities that can be combined with human response to crisis to enhance first responders' actions. On the other hand, the distinct smart technological and communication environments (urban, transport infrastructures, companies, industry) within a smart city require a common cybersecurity management approach. appel à projet se clôt en août 2019. À creuser pour identifier les acteurs et les technologies concernées.