Malgré l'inefficacité du Big Data policier, les polices européennes s'y jettent à corps perdu
Voir les évaluations et autres données citées par la chercheuse Fieke Jansen dans cet article :
in-depth research found that the most significant change for police forces who were testing predictive policing tools was not related to the effectiveness of these tools nor how it transformed the nature of policing from reactive to pre-emptive. The use of these tools primarily reinforced the belief of police in, and desire to work with, data.
The contradiction between the continuous interest and investment in predictive policing tools by European police forces and the rising questions about its actual effectiveness to reduce crime rates indicates that there might be other reasons to privilege its use. When organisations, like national and regional police forces, adapt new technology, they are often driven by a combination of curiosity and a fear of falling behind and not modernising, especially when seeing other countries using it. souligne aussi comment les crises (antiterroristes, sanitaires ou autres) sont des moments privilégiés pour justifier ces investissements massifs, et le rôle des doctrines austéritaires dans la volonté de procéder à une automatisation croissante des bureaucraties policières.
Elle évoque par ailleurs une initiative intéressante : que se passe-t-il si lorsque l'on retourne les algorithmes de prédiction et de préemption de la délinquance contre les catégories sociales dominantes, et notamment les illégalismes des classes dominantes et autres cols-blancs :
The White Collar Crime Risk Zones project flips the predictive policing narrative and raises the million-dollar question: Is it socially acceptable for police and other public authorities to take preventative care and enforcement actions — currently applied to those individuals identified in predictive policing tools — on white-collar criminals and their families? This could include increasing stop and search actions in the financial districts targeting white, middle-aged men in suits, which are the individuals who would fit the constructed profile of a white-collar criminal. Most likely the answer is no.