Recommendations du AINow Institute pour les groupes de pressions
L'ONG AINow Institute a sorti un rapport plein de recommendations intéressantes qui proposent des pistes d'accompagnements pour la task force de New York dédiée à la prévention des prises de décisions automatisés (ADS systems) :
La fin du rapport donne des recommendations pour les groupes de pressions comme technopolice. Cela commence p 50 du rapport mais je copie-colle des bouts du rapport ici :
"Advocacy coalitions must ensure that their goals center the concerns and interests of those most affected by ADS."
"When making decisions or influencing decision-making regarding policy positions, legislative compromises, and policy advocacy tactics, coalition members must be mindful of individual and organizational tendencies to reinforce the status quo through compromise."
"Advocacy coalitions should develop and share resources to help potential allies and collaborators understand why ADS use is important to their individual or organizational concerns. "
"Advocacy coalitions should include and consult local community organizers when designing and implementing public-education events or programs."
"Philanthropic organizations and other funders should earmark funds or consider time-sensitive grant requests for community-led events and hearings created to address lapses in government accountability or responsibility."